Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fenster oder Fernsehen?

This past weekend we had some strong rains. I love rain. When it comes down in buckets and I don’t have to be outside in it, I love it even more. Growing up I enjoyed getting to watch the rain. Watch it hit the ground. Watch it smack the windows and glide down. Watch how all the grass and leaves appear brighter and bolder shades of green.

Living in a city now, I feel I don’t get to enjoy it as much. It’s hard to hear the rain. And we hardly ever have our curtains open. Even if we did open them, we would be looking at siding or a fence or our neighbors as they walk by two feet away from us. It’s not just us; most people on our block habitually leave their curtains closed. Seeing an apartment with curtains flung open is more of an anomaly.

When I got home one rainy day this past weekend, I just wanted to sit in a comfy chair and watch the rain. But even if I overcame our aversion towards opening our curtains, I knew it wouldn’t be the same as it was growing up. Trying to determine if the rain is actually hitting your neighbors siding doesn’t quite compare to watching it envelope the leaves on bushes or form puddles in mulch. So I turned on the television: the window to the world. It instantly made me wonder if this is one reason why so many people watch TV instead of watching out their windows. There’s nothing much beautiful to look at outside the window. But there are a lot of beautiful things on the television. And it can help you forget that outside your window is some dirty beige colored siding.


Still haven't figured out how to take pictures of the pictures that will do them justice. Oh well. I like the apple one in front better than the one in back. They're light so they look better close up.

I'm using my apples to make waffles this weekend. :-D

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Light

I think I figured out a way to get better lighting when taking pictures of the watercolors...(thanks, Tim, for helping!). I still think they look better in person though.